Monday, December 20, 2010

Unit Testing

With one functional/system test you can test lot's of low level parts that in Unit Testing would require a separate test each. It is also easier to write - because you only need to test how the module/library is used and using it should be easy (and not require mocking etc) - otherwise the library would not be a good library to start with. And what are the reasons to do unit testing? Personally I was never convinced by the arguments until I started reading Misko Hevery - here is for example is the single best explanation of why to do unit testing I've ever seen:

Lets say you would like to test a car, which you are in the process of designing, would you test is by driving it around and making modifications to it, or would you prove your design by testing each component separately? I think that testing all of the corner cases by driving the car around is very difficult, yes if the car drives you know that a lot of things must work (engine, transmission, electronics, etc), but if it does not work you have no idea where to look. However, there are some things which you will have very hard time reproducing in this end-to-end test. For example, it will be very hard for you to see if the car will be able to start in the extreme cold of the north pole, or if the engine will not overheat going full throttle up a sand dune in Sahara. I propose we take the engine out and simulate the load on it in a laboratory.

from It is not about writing tests, its about writing stories

In the rest of his writings you'll also find how to structure your code in a way that makes unit testing easy and does not require crazy mockings. I am also convinced that code structured in that way is well decoupled and easy to understand, modify and talk about.

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